Internal settings

The following constants are available within django-adminlinks, and may be used by packages depending on it. The following are considered public and static.

None of these settings is overridable from user-land django.conf.settings.

adminlinks.constants.AUTOCLOSING = u'_autoclose'

querystring key for figuring out if we want to close a popup.

adminlinks.constants.DATA_CHANGED = u'_data_changed'

querystring key for tracking changes which might not otherwise be broadcast by a success template being rendered.

adminlinks.constants.MODELADMIN_REVERSE = u'%(namespace)s:%(app)s_%(module)s_%(view)s'

The format for getting any admin url, in any single-level URL namespace.

adminlinks.constants.PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE = u'has_%s_permission'

Generic string format for getting methods on a ModelAdmin which define permissions