Utility functions for template tags

Like _add_link_to_context(), but allows for using a specific named permission, and any named url on the modeladmin, with optional url parameters.

Uses _add_link_to_context() internally once it has established the permissions are OK.

Always returns a dictionary with two keys, whose values may be empty strings.

  • admin_site – the string name of an admin site; eg: admin
  • request – the current WSGIRequest
  • opts – the _meta Options object to get the app_label and module_name for the desired URL.
  • permname – The permission name to find; eg: add, change, delete
  • viewname – The name of the view to find; eg: changelist, donkey
  • url_params – a list of items to be passed as args to the underlying use of reverse.
  • query – querystring to append.

a dictionary containing link and verbose_name keys, whose values are the reversed URL and the display name of the object. Both may be blank.

Return type:


Find out if a model is in our known list and at has least 1 permission. If it’s in there, try and reverse the URL to return a dictionary for the final Inclusion Tag’s context.

Always returns a dictionary with two keys, whose values may be empty strings.

  • admin_site – the string name of an admin site; eg: admin
  • request – the current WSGIRequest
  • opts – the _meta Options object to get the app_label and module_name for the desired URL.
  • permname – The permission name to find; eg: add, change, delete
  • url_params – a list of items to be passed as args to the underlying use of reverse.
  • query – querystring to append.

a dictionary containing link and verbose_name keys, whose values are the reversed URL and the display name of the object. Both may be blank.

Return type:


Minor wrapper around reverse(), catching the NoReverseMatch that may be thrown, and instead returning an empty unicode string.

  • urlname – the view, or named URL to be reversed
  • params – any parameters (as args, not kwargs) required to create the correct URL.

the URL discovered, or an empty string

Return type:

unicode string


If we’re not at 1.6, the changelist uses “pop” in the querystring.

Changed in version 0.8.1: Returns a tuple of the querystring and a boolean of whether or not


A pulled-up-and-out version of the sorting the standard Django AdminSite does on the index view.

Parameters:modeladmins – dictionary of modeladmins
Returns:the same modeladmins, with their ordering changed.
Return type:list

Given a context, determine whether a User exists, and if they see anything.

Changed in version 0.8.1: if DEBUG is True, then better error messages are displayed to the user, as a reminder of what settings need to be in place. Previously it was dependent on having a LOGGING configuration that would show the messages.

Parameters:context – a RequestContext. Accepts any Context like object, but it explicitly tests for a request key and request.user
Returns:whether or not the given context should allow further processing.
Return type:True or False

Given the name of an AdminSite instance, try to resolve that into an actual object


This function is exposed in the public API as get_admin_site(), which uses memoization to cache discovered AdminSite objects.

Parameters:admin_site – the string name of an AdminSite named and mounted on the project.
Returns:an AdminSite instance matching that given in the admin_site parameter.
Return type:AdminSite or None
adminlinks.templatetags.utils.get_registered_modeladmins(request, admin_site)[source]

Taken from AdminSite, find all ModelAdmin classes attached to the given admin and compile a dictionary of Model types visible to the current User, limiting the methods available (add/edit/history/delete) as appropriate.

Always returns a dictionary, though it may be empty, and thus evaluate as Falsy.

  • request – the current request, for permissions checking etc.
  • admin_site – a concrete AdminSite named and mounted on the project.

visible ModelAdmin classes.

Return type:
